Vuoden 2022 kiinnostavimman kulutustutkimuksellisen julkaisun palkinto myönnettiin Anne Kastariselle, Elina Närväselle ja Anu Valtoselle Journal of Consumer Research -lehden artikkelista “Doing Family over Time: The Multilayered and Multitemporal Nature of Intergenerational Caring through Consumption”. Valinnan teki Kuluttajatutkimuskeskuksen professori Joel Hietanen seuraavin saatesanoin:
”We present the award of the most interesting consumer research study to Kastarinen’s, Närvänen’s and Valtonen’s “Doing Family over Time : The Multilayered and Multitemporal Nature of Intergenerational Caring through Consumption.”
The article provides a theorisation of intergenerational CARE that is non-individualistic, deeply empathic, dynamic, non-dyadic, temporally ritualistic – and especially shows how these are negotiated and accomplished. A particularly interesting moment in the work is the mention of ‘Riitta’, who named herself “funma” as she never intended to act like a “real” grandmother. She wants to go shopping and dining with her teenage grandchildren, even get a tattoo, but refuses to play children’s games or babysit. We hope this prize reflects ‘Funma’s’ spirit today and will continue to do so in the future as well.”
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