Macromarketing-konferenssin CfP on julkaistu

Helsingissä järjestetään ensi vuoden kesäkuussa Macromarketing-konferenssi, joka kiinnostaa varmasti myös monia kulutustutkijoita. Tässä tiedoksi konferenssin Call for Papers, deadline on 31.1.2024.

Welcome to present your interesting work at the 49th Macromarketing Conference, which is co-organized by Hanken School of Economics and the University of Helsinki (Centre for Consumer Society Research) in Helsinki 17-20.6.2024! Macromarketing is an interdisciplinary field that examines the varied interactions among markets, marketing, and society.

The Call for Papers (dl 31.1.2024) is now open and there are quite a number of interesting tracks to choose from! Here’s the link to the conference website with the CfP:

Abstracts, extended abstracts, full papers and special sessions are accepted. Hoping to see you at the conference in June and we’ll be glad to tell you more about the conference!
Kind regards,

Pia Polsa & Petteri Repo
(pia.polsa(at); petteri.repo(at)

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